Zebra Hose

Short Bend

Axine’s Short bend commonly known as PVC machine bend is an injection moulded bend which is manufactured using highly precised pvc injection moulding machine through the process of inserting pvc hot melt into cavity present in the mould and cool it off by giving enough time for proper setting and finishing of the product. Short bend comes under inevitable category of PVC fiitings. Axine dispatches all its products after dual inspection as part of company norms so that we can ensure obstinate quality standard to our customers.

Field of Application

Any Pressure and gravity flow of water such as household, industrial, irrigation purposes.

Features & benefits

  • Fast and easy to install
  • Smooth inner surface offers better flow
  • Corrosion and chemical resistance
  • Durable
  • Economically feasible
PVC Suction Hose
Available Sizes
  • 50 ml
  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml